Call for Artists
Waterworks presents three rotating exhibitions in its galleries every year, and welcomes professional artists to submit their work for consideration.
Go to EXHIBITION SUBMISSIONS for detailed application instructions.
Submissions are accepted on an ongoing basis
Artist Opportunities
Waterworks is happy to share local, regional, and/or national Call for Artists opportunities as we become aware of them.
Click here to enjoy highlights from our 2022 Lantern Walk
Calling all Artists, Musicians and Performers
Come join us to
Light up the Night in Hurley Park
at the 2nd Annual Winter Lantern Walk
Saturday, December 9, 2023 :: 5:00-8:00pm
18+, registration required
Individual / Group Artists welcomed
No size limits, but think BIG!
Lanterns should be handmade of paper or fabric, no plastic
Coat lantern with a clear lacquer to reinforce and protect it from the elements
Display lanterns should be stand alone, or if hung, hanging mechanism must be nature friendly, i.e. coated garden wire, twine, etc., no monofilament or zip ties
Use battery-operated illumination, only
Artist is responsible for installing and deinstalling lantern(s) following the event
Lantern installation, day of the event (12/9/23) - Between 12 noon and 4:30pm
18+, registration required
Individual or groups welcomed
No lighting or electricity is available in the park, you must provide your own battery-powered lighting
Thank you for your participation!