Exhibition Submissions
Waterworks Visual Arts Center is a nationally accredited by the American Alliance of Museums as a non-collecting art museum. Waterworks exhibits contemporary fine art and craft by professional artists. We welcome 2-dimensonial and 3-dimensional submissions from established and emerging artists with credentials. Submissions are reviewed within a 60-90 day period following the two annual deadlines. Submissions are for review only, not a guarantee of an exhibition.
Submission deadlines are January 30 and September 30 of each year. Address submissions to the attention of “Exhibitions."
The exhibitions calendar is planned approximately 18-24 months in advance to give artists ample time to prepare or create new work for the show.
Please follow the instructions below for submitting artwork:
1. ALL submissions must include a printed version as well as a digital CD or flash drive with the following:
A current resumé detailing education, grants, fellowships, awards, teaching positions, gallery affiliations, major exhibitions and collections.
An artist statement related specifically to the body of work submitted. The statement should discuss the source and nature of influences, research and inspiration that shape your work in terms of media, technique, and concepts.
10 to 20 digital images of current work that is available for exhibition. The images must also have a related ID sheet listing medium, size, and date.
If you would like materials returned, include a self-addressed stamped envelope large enough and with adequate postage for the return of materials.
2. A hard copy composite of all images on CD or flash drive; resumé; and artist's statement
3. MAIL* submissions to:
Waterworks Visual Arts Center
123 E. Liberty St.
Salisbury, NC 28144
Attn: Exhibitions
*Electronic submissions are not accepted
We make every effort to safeguard submitted materials but cannot be responsible for loss or damage.
Questions? E-mail: director@waterworks.org