The Dula Art Library is indexed by the Rowan Public Library.
The Dula Art Library is an extensive and important reference resource for high school and area college students as well as the general public. Waterworks is proud to offer over 2,000 art-related holdings including topics about art history, the lives and works of the masters, and much more.
You are welcome to use our library to research family treasures, work on school art research papers, or just browse. We offer art-related reference books, periodicals, and audio-visual media. Our subscriptions include:
Art News, Art in America, Modern, Ceramics Monthly, and Museum.
The library is open during regular gallery hours:
Monday-Friday 10am - 4pm
Volunteer Janet Pingrey and Board Member Kathleen Bergeron implement the new catalogue system by coding every book and periodical in the Dula Art Library.
Messy Art Students
love daily story time with “Miss Debbie” Hoffman, during Summer ARTventures.