Adult Studio Classes / Workshops

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Adult Class Series

Multi-week class series allows for in-depth study and achievement of artistic subjects

Open to students ages 13-Adult

Spring 2025

Hand and Wheel Pottery

with professional potter Brent Smith

Tuesday evenings, April 8, 15, 22, 29, May 6, 13 - 6:00-8:30pm

Open Studio, Saturday, May 17, 10:00-2:00 pm

Cost: $200/Nonmembers; $160/Members

Hand and Wheel is for both beginning and experienced clay enthusiasts. Students can learn the fundamentals of hand building and throwing on the potter’s wheel. Experienced potters can focus on enhancing their skills and learning new surface decoration techniques, including slip and glazing.

Guaranteed to be MESSY and FUN! 

2-day Alla Prima Portrait Workshop

with exhibiting artist Maria Bennett Hock

An extraordinary opportunity to learn from a practicing professional artist. Join Maria in the studio to learn to paint alla prima (wet on wet) or perfect your skills and technique.

Day 1:   On day one we will paint a portrait using a photograph. Maria will provide the photo and we will all work from the same source.  We will pay close attention to the planes of the face and discuss general measurements of the face.    Maria will explain how to make a two dimensional surface appear three dimensional using values along with warm and cool colors.  

The day will start with introductions, talking about art supplies and setting up the palette.  Maria will do a demo from a photograph while students watch.  Concentration on values will be emphasized.   After doing the demo Maria will talk students through their paintings assisting as needed and giving advice.

Day 2: We will begin the day by discussing the previous days effort and work through any obstacles or concerns that students have.  Another Demo will be painted by Maria.  Students may bring their own photo to work from for this second portrait.  The photos should have a strong light source, that is we should be able to see shadows to help define the features of the face.  Care will be taken to make sure each student understands the process.  

Limited to twelve students. Must have an understanding in the fundamentals of drawing and painting.

COST: $300 Nonmember/$225 Members

Looking for Additional Adult Artmaking Options?

ARTpops - single sessions are a fun way to explore different mediums in a relaxed atmosphere; must be 21+ to attend.